Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sprouts, Huge Pigs, and Politics

I took a tape measure to the pumpkin sprouts this afternoon, and all five of them are right at 3" tall. I'm still planning on thinning them in a couple of weeks, but for now I am just reveling in the fact that they are growing so well. Today I watered them, tomorrow they are getting a healthy dose of MiracleGrow and some of the organic slop I have been mixing up in a bucket.

The bacon I bought at the grocery store this morning reminded me of some other pork in the news. 11 year old Jamison Stone dropped a wild boar in the woods of eastern Alabama earlier this month. Big? Try 1,051 pounds and over nine feet long. Picture a VW Bug with sharp teeth and a really bad attitude. Firearm used was a S&W .500Magnum, from the pics apparently the 8 3/8" version. Good shooting, young man.

Here in Virginia, the primaries for the state legislature are approaching. Of particular interest in this part of the state, at least to me, is the race for the Republican nomination for the 22nd District seat in the State Senate, pitting incumbent Brandon Bell against challenger, and former Roanoke Mayor, Ralph Smith.

I am supporting Ralph Smith, for the following reasons:
- Brandon Bell was one of the main supporters of the smoking ban in restaurants. For the record, I don't smoke, and never have, although I have no problem with the habit or those who choose to so indulge. With a toddler usually in tow when I go out to eat, a smoky atmosphere is often reason enough to go somewhere else. If a restaurant owner wants to go completely smoke free, as many around here have, so be it, it should be their personal choice. Read that again. Personal choice, not the government's, and any politician who tries to ram that down a business owner's throat has lost my trust, and by default, my vote.
- I have met Ralph Smith several times. He says what he means, and means what he says. He's a humble, self-deprecating and modest man with an easy smile and an open ear. He's a principled conservative who makes no bones about where he stands, and someone who you respect, and like, instantly.
- Personality aside, I agree with his stands on all of the relevant issues. He's not a professional politician, which I always like (remember "government of the people, for the people"), rather a self-made business man who, like Reagan, believes in small government and fiscal conservatism. Foreign policy opinions are for the most part completely irrelevant to state-level politicians, and I am glad he doesn't waste time holding forth on matters not directly important to the office which he seeks.

Those of you in the 22nd district, make the right choice on Jne 12th.

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