Sunday, May 13, 2007

Reminiscing about hardware gone by

Interesting thread going on over at GlockTalk about one's first handgun and whether you still have it.

The earliest purchase I found in that thread was 1955, courtesy of one of the older members, and some of the guns mentioned go back to the 1870's. The one guy on the second page of the thread who says he just bought his first hangun last week is, for some reason, making me feel really old all of a sudden.

Me? I had a 2nd generation (no light rail or finger grooves) Glock 19 mid-size 9mm that I bought new in October 1995. The date sticks in my mind because it was the same weekend of my then-girlfriend, now-wife's birthday, and she was a little chapped about having to share my attention.

To answer the other question, I don't have it any more. In a fit of stupidity, defined as anything other than needing to pay pressing bills which however it may suck is still the only legitimate reason to part with a firearm, I sold it. I wish I still had it.

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