Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hostage Negotiation, Asian Style

I received this in an email last week, and post it for everyone's perusal. The email said this was in Japan, but I can't verify it, so let's just leave it as "Somewhere in Asia". I think that will work.

The hostage taker lists his three demands. No idea what they were.

The negotiators confer in the next room. Anything that starts with a staff meeting of some sort usually ends in violence. Notice the pensive "yeah I think that might work" chin rub towards the left.

Negotiations begin.....

.....and fail. Notice the "monkey strap" on the guy's waist. Safety first, you know.

Verbal judo has nothing on a good hollow point.

After a little paperwork, everyone gets to go home on time. Well, almost everyone.

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